Saturday, January 17, 2009


Segunda edición del libro del Dr. Filomeno

204 páginas.
Precio de venta: 45 nuevos soles.

Lugares de venta:
- Librerías Crisol de Lima y de provincias. Enlace.
- Librería El Virrey, Bolognesi 510, Miraflores. Teléfono 444-4141.
- Instituto Médico Miraflores. Scipión Llona 180 Miraflores. Teléfono 422-3108. Horario: lunes a viernes, de 11 a.m. a 8 p.m.

Para comprar el libro por internet en Lima, desde provincias o desde el extranjero:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Manual de diagnóstico y manejo del TDAH: enfoque multidisciplinario

Armando Filomeno Edwards, Virginia Bákula de Idiáquez, Camila Fosca Bákula, Iliana Chian Chang, Beatriz Duda Macera, Cecilia Chau Pérez Araníbar, Mónica Cassaretto Bardales, Manuela Tapia Cortese, Maya Echegaray León.
Libro editado por el APDA.
Lugares de venta:
- Librería El Virrey, Bolognesi 510, Miraflores. Teléfono 444-4141.
- Oficina del APDA en Barranco, previa coordinación: 251-2040
Precio de venta: 30 nuevos soles.
Para comprar el libro por internet en Lima, desde provincias o desde el extranjero:

1. Definición, diagnóstico y tratamiento medicamentoso
del TDAH
Armando Filomeno.................................................. 9
2. Trastornos asociados al TDAH
Armando Filomeno.................................................29
3. Manejo conductual adecuado de los niños pequeños
con TDAH
Virginia Bákula.......................................................41
4. Las terapias de aprendizaje y las tutorías
Camila Fosca.........................................................59
5. Terapia conductual del TDAH en la casa y en el colegio
Iliana Chian............................................................69
6. Coaching para personas con TDAH
Beatriz Duda..........................................................81
7. Psicoterapia conductual cognitiva para el manejo del
Cecilia Chau y Mónica Cassaretto..........................93
8. Terapia emocional para personas con TDAH: la
importancia de una nueva mirada
Manuela Tapia......................................................105
9. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento del TDAH desde el
punto de vista de una mamá y su labor de promoción
en el colegio
Maya Echegaray...................................................115
Datos de los autores............................................. 123

Friday, February 08, 2008

Information about Dr. Filomeno and his book on AD/HD

Armando Filomeno, MD
[Former Chief Resident, 1970-71]

Armando Filomeno came to Rochester from Lima, Peru on the advice of the founding dean of his medical school, Dr. Alberto Hurtado, who had been at the URMC some 35 years earlier. Now in private neurological practice at Instituto Medico Miraflores in Lima, Dr. Filomeno specializes in pediatric neuropsychiatry, seeing mostly patients with AD/HD, Tourette syndrome, and autistic spectrum disorders.

“An important part of my present activity,” he writes, “is as medical advisor to the Peruvian Association for Attention Deficit (APDA}, where I am responsible for the scientific contents of its website and newsletter.” Dr. Filomeno is also medical advisor to the Tourette Syndrome Association of Peru, neurological advisor to the Peruvian Association of Families with Asperger Syndrome, and a member of the professional advisory board of the AD/HD Global Network. A minor part of his time, he says, is spent teaching at his medical school at Cayetano Heredia University.

Dr. Filomeno’s recently published handbook for families dealing with AD/HD: El Nino con Deficit de Atencion o Hiperactividad: Como Pasar del Fracaso al Exito, opens with a foreword by Dr. Robert Joynt.

“At Strong Memorial, I was very fortunate to work under Dr. Joynt and Dr. Fred Horner,” he says. “When I finished my neurology residency, Dr. Horner convinced me to stay for an extra year in Pediatric Neurology, and he arranged for me to spend the following year at Johns Hopkins as a fellow in neuromuscular diseases. Upon returning to Lima, I became the first pediatric neurologist at Cayetano Heredia Hospital, where I taught fulltime for ten years.”

Thirteen years ago Dr. Filomeno became the founding medical advisor of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Peru. He was responsible for the academic program of the 2002 International Tourette Syndrome Course and Oliver Sacks’ 2006 seminar on Tourette and Asperger Syndromes.

Dr. Filomeno’s Rochester connection has been strengthened in recent years by contacts with colleagues at professional meetings in Washington, Cancun, and Nashville, where, he writes, he has talked with visiting lecturers who studied or trained in Rochester. They have exchanged fond memories of “Strong Memorial Hospital, the Department of Neurology and its illustrious founding chief, the School of Medicine, the Eastman School of Music with its Sunday students recitals (free admission, of course), and Rochester’s arctic winters.”

Gratitude to his Rochester mentors is apparent throughout Dr. Filomeno’s long-distance message. “Dr. Joynt,” he says, “is the best clinical neurologist I have ever met, always ready to share his knowledge, to give needed advice, and to make a witty comment. Dr. Horner used to do the best pediatric neurological examination I have ever seen, just with the aid of a wooden tongue depressor.”

Over the years, as their former chief resident has worked to improve the care of children with neurological and neuropsychiatric problems, he has introduced a generation of young Peruvian neurologists to the lessons he learned in Rochester.

University of Rochester Medical Center. Neurology. 40th Anniversary Celebration. October 4-6, 2007. History of the Department. Pages 116 and 117 (Child Neurology Unit History).
(Article written by Nancy Bolger, on the basis of an e-mail interview).

Book written by Dr. Filomeno on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:

Book news in Rochester Review:
Alumni Notes and Awards in Johns Hopkins Magazine (see 1972):
Class notes, Resident/Fellow Alumni in Rochester Medicine (pag 64):

Back to:

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Armando Filomeno, MD
[Former Chief Resident, 1970-71]

Armando Filomeno came to Rochester from Lima, Peru on the advice of the founding dean of his medical school, Dr. Alberto Hurtado, who had been at the URMC some 35 years earlier. Now in private neurological practice at Instituto Medico Miraflores in Lima, Dr. Filomeno specializes in pediatric neuropsychiatry, seeing mostly patients with AD/HD, Tourette syndrome, and autistic spectrum disorders.

“An important part of my present activity,” he writes, “is as medical advisor to the Peruvian Association for Attention Deficit (APDA}, where I am responsible for the scientific contents of its website and newsletter.” Dr. Filomeno is also medical advisor to the Tourette Syndrome Association of Peru, neurological advisor to the Peruvian Association of Families with Asperger Syndrome, and a member of the professional advisory board of the AD/HD Global Network. A minor part of his time, he says, is spent teaching at his medical school at Cayetano Heredia University.

Dr. Filomeno’s recently published handbook for families dealing with AD/HD: El Nino con Deficit de Atencion o Hiperactividad: Como Pasar del Fracaso al Exito, opens with a foreword by Dr. Robert Joynt.

“At Strong Memorial, I was very fortunate to work under Dr. Joynt and Dr. Fred Horner,” he says. “When I finished my neurology residency, Dr. Horner convinced me to stay for an extra year in Pediatric Neurology, and he arranged for me to spend the following year at Johns Hopkins as a fellow in neuromuscular diseases. Upon returning to Lima, I became the first pediatric neurologist at Cayetano Heredia Hospital, where I taught fulltime for ten years.”

Thirteen years ago Dr. Filomeno became the founding medical advisor of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Peru. He was responsible for the academic program of the 2002 International Tourette Syndrome Course and Oliver Sacks’ 2006 seminar on Tourette and Asperger Syndromes.

Dr. Filomeno’s Rochester connection has been strengthened in recent years by contacts with colleagues at professional meetings in Washington, Cancun, and Nashville, where, he writes, he has talked with visiting lecturers who studied or trained in Rochester. They have exchanged fond memories of “Strong Memorial Hospital, the Department of Neurology and its illustrious founding chief, the School of Medicine, the Eastman School of Music with its Sunday students recitals (free admission, of course), and Rochester’s arctic winters.”

Gratitude to his Rochester mentors is apparent throughout Dr. Filomeno’s long-distance message. “Dr. Joynt,” he says, “is the best clinical neurologist I have ever met, always ready to share his knowledge, to give needed advice, and to make a witty comment. Dr. Horner used to do the best pediatric neurological examination I have ever seen, just with the aid of a wooden tongue depressor.”

Over the years, as their former chief resident has worked to improve the care of children with neurological and neuropsychiatric problems, he has introduced a generation of young Peruvian neurologists to the lessons he learned in Rochester.

Reproducción de las páginas 116 y 117 (Child Neurology Unit History) de:
University of Rochester Medical Center. Neurology. 40th Anniversary Celebration. October 4-6, 2007. History of the Department.
(Artículo escrito por Nancy Bolger, sobre la base de una entrevista por correo electrónico).

Regresar a:

Saturday, December 01, 2007


Yo tengo TDAH ¿y tú?

Autora: Belinda Castro Molina.
Editado por la Asociación Peruana de Déficit de Atención (APDA), 2007.
Lugares de venta:
Librería El Virrey. Miguel Dasso 147, San Isidro, teléfono 440-0607.
Botica Miraflores. Scipión Llona 180, Miraflores, teléfono 422-3108.
Precio de venta: veinte soles.

Volver a:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



Lugares de venta:
Botica Miraflores. Scipión Llona 180 Miraflores. (Esquina del Teatro Canout). Teléfono: 422-3108.
Librería El Virrey. Bolognesi 510, Miraflores. Teléfono 444-4141.
Precio del librito: 15 soles.
Venta por internet en Lima, desde provincias o desde el extranjero:

Friday, May 11, 2007


Dr. Armando Filomeno. El niño con déficit de atención o hiperactividad: cómo pasar del fracaso al éxito.

En publicaciones extranjeras

En la revista Rochester Medicine, de la Universidad de Rochester, EE.UU., número de primavera/verano del 2007 (página 64), aparece una breve reseña del libro:

La revista Johns Hopkins Magazine, de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, EE.UU., lo menciona en su número de junio del 2007 (ver 1972):

La revista Rochester Review, de la Universidad de Rochester, EE.UU., lo menciona en su número de mayo-junio del 2007:

En publicaciones o medios de comunicación del Perú

En la revista Somos del diario El Comercio del 30 de junio del 2007 se menciona el libro en un reportaje sobre el TDAH.

En la revista Spirat de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, año VII, nº 25, verano del 2007, aparecen una reseña de la presentación del libro y una mención (páginas 70 y 56):

En el programa La Hora Médica, del Canal 11 de televisión, se comentó el libro durante una entrevista sobre el TDAH.

Nota sobre el libro en el boletín electrónico nº 47 de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia:

El libro fue presentado en la Casa Honorio Delgado el 8 de febrero del 2007. La presentación fue anunciada en la página web de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

Mi Hogar del diario El Comercio de Lima, Perú, lo mencionó el domingo 4 de febrero del 2007.

El semanario Gestión Médica publicó una nota sobre el libro el lunes 29 de enero del 2007.

Cecilia Valenzuela lo anunció la tercera semana de enero del 2007 en La Ventana Indiscreta de Frecuencia Latina (Canal 2).

José María Salcedo lo anunció la segunda semana de enero del 2007 en su programa Fulanos y Menganos de Plus TV (Canal 6 de Cable Mágico).

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